How To Measure A Wall Oven? The Best Guide For Beginner

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You have your new home, and your kitchen is the next place you will set everything up. It looks simple, but it surely isn’t since the kitchen can be a complex area to arrange objects. And when it comes to a wall oven, things can be more difficult than it seems to be!

But don’t worry. We will get you covered today with our helpful article on measuring a wall oven. Check this out to have all guides prepared!

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What To Prepare Before Measuring A Wall Oven?

Here are the tools and knowledge you should prepare before measuring a wall oven. They are the wall ovens’ common sizes and the tools to prepare for that process:

Common Size

There are three popular wall oven types: single, double, and microwave-combination. Each style has a different dimension, respectively 24, 27, to 30 inches wide. 

These are the approximately-exact dimensions for all ovens on the market, yet each brand may have a few changes depending on their style, model, colors, etc.

Remember that these measurements will decide the size cutout for later installation. To fit inside, the units need to be a bit smaller. You need to figure out what type of wall oven you currently have to get its dimension, as different oven styles mean different sizes. 

Once you have the size wrong, it will cause a lot of trouble redoing everything from the start, especially when our equipment is attached to the floor. So, the best advice is to consult the brand’s representative to choose the best size for your oven.

Tools to Prepare

Here are the tools you should prepare for measuring the wall oven:

  • A head screwdriver
  • Tape measure
  • Replacement tip sheet

Once you have these tools in hand, let’s start the process we have been waiting for!

How To Measure A Wall Oven?

Check out our simple three-step procedures on how to measure a wall oven:

Step 1: Measure the Overall Oven

Before measuring anything, removing the wall oven is the best way for you to get the measurement right. Since you will also need to measure the cutout or the inside cabinet, removing the whole thing is best before doing the math.

Use the measurement ruler to get the number of the oven’s overall height and width. Get the reference sheet and note down these numbers accurately.

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Step 2: Measure Cabinet Cutout Dimensions

Bring the oven toward you without pulling the door. The oven’s weight can be tremendous, so be careful when handling it. Don’t attempt to pull it out more than an inch to preserve your safety.

Get the measurement between the oven’s top and bottom, the cabinet cutout left and right. Put them on the reference sheet. 

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Get the measurement on the oven’s side, cabinet cutout’s top to bottom edge. Measure its depth from the front edge to the back wall if possible. 

Step 3: Assemble It Again

  1. Push the oven back into the cabinet again.
  2. Secure the screws to secure the oven’s position in the cabinet.
  3. Turn on the oven again, and you can use it without any problem!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Space Does Opening A Wall Oven Take?

You can expect an extra 20 to 24 inches in depth if you install an open wall oven door. Moreover, it would be best if you planned for the front area for 42 to 48 inches to ensure enough space for cooking and moving around the kitchen.

What Size Cabinet Do I Need For My 30-Inch Wall Oven?

For a 30-inch wall oven, it is recommended to get a roughly 33-35 inches wide cabinet size. To make it easy, remember the 3-inches rule: add 3 inches more to the dimension you want the size to be, and you can never go wrong with that.

Can I Place Your Wall Oven Under A Countertop?

Yes, you can, but you need to consider the height above or below the countertop. You don’t want everything to cram in, so make sure there’s enough space for everything.


And that’s everything you need to know about how to measure a wall oven. After reading this helpful guide, we hope you will know every step it takes to complete this process.

Thank you for reading our article, and we will see you soon in the next one!

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